Circus at Home - Digital Spaghetti Circus

Spaghetti Circus is working hard to continue to inspire, connect and keep everyone moving in the coming months. We are developing how best to do this - from our home to yours. Creative kids and strong communities are our priority. 

Below is a short survey that will help us set up what will work best for you. Please take time to fill in, so we can help you. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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* 1. How would you like to engage with Spaghetti Circus in the coming months?

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* 2. Would you be interested in equipment while at home?

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* 3. When are you keen to engage with Spaghetti Circus online?

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* 4. All cancelled Term 1 classes will be honoured with makeup classes in person with your favourite coaches when we are able to re-open.  What is your current preferred option for this? (We realise this may change).

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* 5. How else can we help? Anything else we have missed, other ideas? 

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* 6. What classes were you/ your children attending in term 1?

Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback - we wish you well at home