Navigation Center Website Feedback
Please tell us the primary reason you visited the Navigation Center website.
I am a…
Recreational boater
Professional mariner
I use the website to request data or information from the Navigation Center
I use the website for educational purposes
Other (please specify)
For what primary purpose do you use the Navigation Center website?
Gather data
Gather safety Information
Request data or information
Other (please specify)
How would you rate your user experience with respect to ease of use of the Navigation Center website?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
How would you rate your user experience with respect to finding what you need at the Navigation Center website?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Do you agree or disagree: the Navigation Center website is my primary source when trying to find navigation information online.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Are you satisfied with the Navigation Center website with regarding to ease of use, ability to find information, and the speed with which the site works?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
How can we improve your experience using the Navigation Center website?