The Local Housing Strategy is a statutory document that must be produced every five years.

The Highland Local Housing Strategy is due to be renewed in 2016. It will set out:
·         the extent of housing need and demand in Highland;
·         the Councils strategic vision for the future of housing across all tenures (i.e. owned, social rented, and private rented);
·         how the standard of housing in Highland will be improved;
·         the strategic direction for housing investment.

  The Council has undertaken a Housing Need and Demand Assessment which provides evidence about likely housing needs over the next 5 years.

We would like to know what you think out future priorities should be for your area, based on these key issues.

Question Title

* 1. Availability of Housing
How much of an issue is the availability of housing locally (1=not a big issue; 5= very big issue)

  1 2 3 4 5
Availability of Council / Housing Association housing
Availability of private rented housing
Availability of housing to buy

Question Title

* 2. Affordability of Housing
How affordable do you think housing is locally in relation to local incomes (1=relatively affordable; 5= relatively unaffordable)

  1 2 3 4 5
Council / Housing Association housing
Private rented housing
Housing to buy

Question Title

* 3. Key Priorities
What are the most important issues that you think should be addressed locally through the Local Housing Strategy:

Please rank the importance of each (1=not very important to 5= very important)

  1 2 3 4 5
Encourage population and economic growth in the Housing Market Area
Increase the supply of Council/ Housing Assocation homes

Provide more opportunities for low cost owner occupation

Make improvements to the condition of Council / Housing Association housing
Encourage homeowners to carry out essential repairs to their properties
Encourage landlords in the private rented sector to carry out essential repairs to their properties
Encourage the expansion of the private rented sector to meet housing needs
Ensure homeless people are adequately housed
Provide support to ensure that vulnerable people are able to remain in their own homes
Help older people of people with physical disabilities stay in their homes
Increase the availability of sites or stopping places for Gypsy Travellers
Provide more specialist accommodation for older people
Provide more “starter homes” for younger people
Improve the energy efficiency of houses / reduce fuel poverty
Housing advice and information services to help people plan for their individual housing needs