Information is the key element to the success of any project.

Minosa makes life better through creating extraordinary interior spaces, from conception to completion.

An appreciation, passion and commitment to bespoke, authentic design is the hallmark of their portfolio. It’s what keeps them inspired to continue creating better spaces for people to live, nourish and relax in.

Design life better, with Minosa.

Question Title

* 1. What type of Project are you working on?

Question Title

* 2. Spaces?

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* 3. Have you done this before?

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* 4. When do you need the design work commenced?

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* 5. When are you wanting to build what we design?

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* 6. In brief, what are your wanting to achieve?

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* 7. Have you set a budget? If Yes what is it?

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* 8. Do you have a builder?

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* 9. How did you come across Minosa?

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* 10. Address

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* 11. How long do you plan to live in this home?