Ferndale Parks: Summer of Fun

Building on the success of Star Park, the City is planning to sponsor some recreational activities at our fantastic city parks. Your input helps ensure that we are putting together activities you want, when and where you can enjoy them. Thank you for your participation!

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following recreational activities would you be interested in attending?

  Not Interested Interested/Might Attend Very Interested/Definitely Attending Best Idea Ever
Pickup Games of Volleyball
Yoga in the Park
Food Trucks "Dine out in the Parks" Event
Pickup Games of Basketball
A "Battle of the Bands" featuring local live music
Storytelling in the Park
A City-Wide Scavenger Hunt
A Field Day with old-fashioned outdoor games (three-legged race, tug-a-war, balance egg on spoon, etc)
Birdwatching along the Nooksack
10k Race through Ferndale

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* 2. Other activities you would like to see the City sponsor? 

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* 3. Age

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* 4. Do you have any children under 18 living in your household?

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* 5. If you were to attend some of these events during the summer, when should they be held?

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* 6. Where do you live?

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* 7. Any comments to add? 

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* 8. Where do you get information about Ferndale activities (check all that apply)?

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* 9. What is the BEST way to give you information about Ferndale activities (choose one)?