MHLS is focusing on the future for our 2018 Annual Meeting! This survey should take you around 15 minutes to complete. The responses will help us begin thinking about how the future might be different and help our presenter, Futurist Garry Golden, get a sense of where our thinking is.

For the questions below, please imagine our 'future' time horizon as the next ten years! 

Survey responses are anonymous. We will provide an aggregated summary to all attendees.

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* 1. List the most important trends shaping the future of the community your library serves:

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* 2. List the most important trends shaping the role of the public library in our world today:

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* 3. List the things that you expect will NOT change within the world around us:

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* 4. Where do you turn to learn about the future? Who influences your thinking about the future of society, business and government?

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* 5. Imagine waking up one day in the year 2026. What news headlines might we see that capture how the world has changed for our community or for your library?

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* 6. Share a signal. A signal can be an event, a new service or product, a new market strategy, social norm or policy. Signals grab our attention but can also be easily dismissed as noise. Share a link to a current news story or conversation you view as a signal of things to come for the community that your library serves.