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* 1. Alamo Colleges is committed to sharing with students, parents, teachers and administrators, starting in middle school, the importance of choosing a career path and the benefits of community college. Please rank the choices below with 1 as your most preferred choice.

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* 2. Any not listed above?

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* 3. Alamo Colleges District had conversations with high school students and found that the value of advising for career paths is a high priority for most students. How can we best be a resource in advising for career paths? Please rank the choices below with 1 as your most preferred choice.

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* 4. Any not listed above?

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* 5. Our recent conversations indicate that some counselors may not be fully aware of the opportunities the Alamo Colleges District offers. We have made a commitment to enhance communications with counselors. How can we best accomplish that goal. Please rank the choices below with 1 as your most preferred choice. 

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* 6. Any not listed above?

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* 7. The Alamo Colleges District has made a commitment to more fully engage with local school district initiatives and your students. Please share initiatives, programs or events you feel we should be a partner on to better engage with your communities.

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* 8. What other groups or organizations should we collaborate with in your organization? Please provide contact information.

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* 9. The items above are just some of the commitments we made to increase communications with partner school districts. Please share any other ideas or concerns.

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* 10. Please share your contact information if you are interested in continuing the conversation on this topic.