2021 ISS Virtual Conference Survey

Thank you for participating in the Inside Self-Storage Virtual Conference that took place on April 28-29! To ensure we continue to meet the needs of industry professionals, we’d love to have your valuable feedback. Please submit your candid responses to this brief survey by May 17. You could win a $100 Visa Gift Card! To enter the prize drawing, please be sure to include your contact information at the end of the questionnaire. Thanks so much!

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* 1. On a scale of 1-10, please rate your overall experience at the ISS Virtual Conference.

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* 2. On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend the ISS Virtual Conference to an industry colleague or friend?

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* 3. On a scale of 1-10, please rate how satisfied you were with the length of the ISS Virtual Conference.

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* 4. On a scale of 1-10, please rate the quality of the seminars in the Education Theater.

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* 5. On a scale of 1-10, please rate how relevant the seminar topics were to your needs and interests.

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* 6. Please rate the following aspects of ISS Virtual Conference (select one for each item):

  Very poor Poor Fair         Good Excellent Not sure / Don’t know N/A
Ease of logging into the online event platform
Experience of navigating the online platform
The event agenda (knowing what was taking place and when)
Experience of using the platform to access/view content
Quality of the sound, video and images
The quality of the seminar speakers
The relevance of the seminar content
Your ability to participate in seminars (i.e., ask questions or make comments)
The overall ability of the event to retain your interest
Return on investment 

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* 7. How likely are you to participate in future editions of the ISS Virtual Conference?

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* 8. How could we improve the ISS Virtual Conference? Please explain.

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* 9. Is there something else you’d like to see ISS develop and provide to the self-storage marketplace? If so, please explain.

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* 10. Did you attend other self-storage events this year (live or virtual)?

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* 11. If you attended other industry events this year, please list them below.

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* 12. If you’d like to be entered into our drawing to win a $100 Visa Gift card, please enter your name and email address below.