Choose a percentage to indicate your answer

0%, Definitely Cannot Do It
30%, Probably Cannot Do It
50%, Maybe Can Do It
70%, Probably Can Do It
100%, Definitely Can Do It

Question Title

* 1. ______ When you notice you are having trouble concentrating on a reading assignment, can you refocus your attention and learn the material? (R)

Question Title

* 2. ______ When you don’t understand a paragraph you have just read, can you clarify it by careful rereading? (R)

Question Title

* 3. _______ When you have trouble recalling key facts in a reading assignment, can you find a way to remember all of these two weeks later? (R)

Question Title

* 4. _______ When you have trouble remembering complex definitions from a textbook, can you redefine them so that you will recall them? (S)

Question Title

* 5. _______ When you feel very anxious before taking a test, can you remember all the material you studied? (T)

Question Title

* 6. _______ When you have tried unsuccessfully to study for an hour, can you set and attain an important study goal during your remaining time? (S)

Question Title

* 7. _______ When you are given an extensive reading assignment to cover before class the next day, can you set aside enough time in your schedule to finish it? (R)

Question Title

* 8. _______ When you don’t understand your teacher, can you ask the right question to clarify matters? (N)

Question Title

* 9. ______ When your teacher gives a rambling disorganized lecture, can you reorganize and rewrite your notes before the next class meeting? (N)

Question Title

* 10. _______ When you find your homework assignments vary greatly in length each day, can you adjust your time schedule to complete them? (S)

Question Title

* 11. _______ When you notice that your notes are much less complete than another student’s, can you write down all the teacher’s points during the next lecture? (N)

Question Title

* 12. _______ When you notice that you are getting behind in your homework during the week, can you catch up during the next weekend? (S)

Question Title

* 13. _______ When another student asks you to study together for a course in which you are experiencing difficulty, can you be an effective study partner? (S)

Question Title

* 14. _______ When you have missed several classes, can you make up the work within a week? (S)

Question Title

* 15. _______ When you find the assignment you are reading doesn’t make sense, can you interpret it by using text clues, such as headings or italics? (R)

Question Title

* 16. _______ When you miss a class, can you find another student who can explain the lecture notes as clearly as your teacher did? (N)

Question Title

* 17. _______ When problems with friends and peers conflict with school work, can you keep up with your assignments? (S)

Question Title

* 18. _______ When the assigned reading is boring, can you find a way to motivate yourself to learn it fully? (R)

Question Title

* 19. _______ When a homework assignment, such as learning vocabulary words, is repetitive and uninteresting, can you make it into an exciting challenge? (S)

Question Title

* 20. _______ When an assigned reading is poorly written, can you figure out its meaning so you can explain it well on an essay test? (R)

Question Title

* 21. _______ When a teacher’s lecture is over your head, can you find a way to get the information clarified before the next class meeting? (N)

Question Title

* 22. _______ When your teacher’s lecture is very complex, can you write an effective summary of your original notes before the next class? (N)

Question Title

* 23. _______ When you are having trouble understanding assigned reading material, can you find a classmate who can explain everything clearly to you? (R)

Question Title

* 24. _______ When you feel moody or restless during studying, can you focus your attention well enough to finish your assigned work? (S)

Question Title

* 25. _______ When you are trying to understand a new topic, can you associate new concepts with old ones sufficiently well to remember them? (S)

Question Title

* 26. _______ When a lecture is especially boring, can you motivate yourself to keep good notes? (N)

Question Title

* 27. _______ When you are having trouble comprehending a reading assignment, can you find key sentences that will help you understand each paragraph? (R)

Question Title

* 28. _______ When you have to take a test in a school subject you dislike, can you find a way to motivate yourself to earn a good grade? (T)

Question Title

* 29. _______ When you have time available between classes, can you motivate yourself to use it for studying? (S)

Question Title

* 30. _______ When you had trouble understanding your instructor’s lecture, can you clarify the confusion before the next class meeting by comparing notes with a classmate? (N)

Question Title

* 31. ________ When you feel anxious during an exam and have trouble controlling information, can you relax and concentrate well enough to remember it? (T)

Question Title

* 32. ________ When you are feeling depressed about a forthcoming test, can you find a way to motivate yourself to do well? (T)

Question Title

* 33. ________ When you are tired, but have not finished writing a paper, can you find a way to motivate yourself until it is completed? (W)

Question Title

* 34. ________ When you suddenly realize that you can’t remember any material you have read during the last half hour, can you create self-questions to help you review the material successfully? (R)

Question Title

* 35. ________ When you find yourself putting off writing of an assigned paper, can you motivate yourself to begin the task immediately? (W)

Question Title

* 36. ________ When you have trouble recalling an abstract concept, can you think of a good example that will help you remember it on a test? (T)

Question Title

* 37. ________ When your friends want to see a movie when you need to study for a test, can you find a way to decline without offending them? (T)

Question Title

* 38. _________ When your last test results were poor, can you figure out potential questions before the next test that will improve your score greatly? (T)

Question Title

* 39. _________ When you are taking a course covering a huge amount of material, can you condense your notes down to just the essential facts? (N)

Question Title

* 40. _________ When you find yourself getting increasingly behind in a new course, can you increase your study time sufficiently to catch up? (S)

Question Title

* 41. _________ When you are struggling to remember technical details of a concept for a test, can you find a way to associate them together that will ensure recall? (T)

Question Title

* 42. _________ When your teacher lectures so rapidly you can’t write everything down, can you record all the important points in your notes? (N)

Question Title

* 43. _________ When you are angry about a course because of a teacher’s demanding requirements, can you find a way to channel your anger to help you succeed? (S)

Question Title

* 44. _________ When your concentration wanders while writing an important paper, can you refocus it sufficiently to finish the paper on time? (W)

Question Title

* 45. _________ When describing a complex principle in a written paper, can you create an analogy that a reader will understand? (W)

Question Title

* 46. _________ When you find that your first draft of a paper is wordy, ungrammatical, or confusing, can you revise it so that it is completely clear and grammatical? (W)

Question Title

* 47. _________ When you are asked to write a concise, well-organized paper over night, can you find a way to do it? (W)

Question Title

* 48. _________ When you are dissatisfied with an important paper you are writing, can you find another person who will show you how to remove all the problems? (W)

Question Title

* 49. _________ When you are asked to write a paper on an unfamiliar topic, can you find good enough information to please your teacher? (W)

Question Title

* 50. _________ When you learn that a paper you just finished writing is confusing and needs to be completely rewritten, can you delay your other plans for a day to revise it? (W)

Question Title

* 51. _________ When you discover that your homework assignments for the semester are much longer than expected, can you change your other priorities to have enough time for studying? (S)

Question Title

* 52. _________ When you think you did poorly on a test you just finished, can you go back to your notes and locate all the information you had forgotten? (T)

Question Title

* 53. _________ When you are struggling to remember the details of a complex reading assignment, can you write summary notes that will greatly improve your recall? (R)

Question Title

* 54. ______ When you find that you had to “cram” at the last minute for a test, can you begin your test preparation much earlier so you won’t need to cram the next time? (T)

Question Title

* 55. ________ When other students from your class emphasize parts of the teacher’s lecture that you excluded from your notes, can you correct this omission before the next class meeting? (N)

Question Title

* 56. ________ When you are struggling to understand a body of information for a test, can you diagram it or chart it so you will remember it all two weeks later? (T)

Question Title

* 57. ________ When you have trouble studying your class notes because they are incomplete or confusing, can you revise and rewrite them clearly after every lecture? (N)