The Town of Cambridge (the Town) is seeking your feedback on the draft concept plans for a new public toilet/ change room/ sports amenity building at Alderbury Sportsground.  

Since 2016 the Town has been working with the community and stakeholders to develop a needs assessment and master plan for Alderbury Sports Ground. The existing public toilet/ change room/ sports amenity building does not meet the current community needs, attracts antisocial behaviour and is at the end of its useful life.

In May 2019 Council approved the development of engineering and professional detailed designs for the replacement of the public toilets and change room facility. (CR19.46)

The proposed new building will replace the existing public toilet/ change room/ sports amenity building. The new building will sit in the same location as the existing, but will be a different footprint and layout, designed to provide optimum use of the space and meet community and sporting needs for the next twenty years.

Although we are facing uncertainty on a whole range of issues as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Town would appreciate your feedback on the proposed new building design. The views of sports ground users, skate park users, dog walkers, local residents and the broader community are all important.

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* 1. What suburb do you live in?

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* 2. Do you reside in the Town of Cambridge?

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* 3. How often do you visit Alderbury Sports Ground?

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* 4. Are you a: (Please select all relevant options)

Please answer each of the questions below by ticking Yes or No. If you have no view on the matter, please select "No View" .

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* 5. Do you think the design of the public toilet/ changeroom/ sports amenity building is suitable for Alderbury Sports Ground?

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* 6. Do you think the proposed facilities are suitable for users of Alderbury Sports Ground?

  Yes No No view
1 male public toilet (plus 2 urinals)
3 female public toilets 
1 universal access public toilet with a baby change table 
4 separate change rooms to be hired by users of the sports ground. Change rooms include 3 toilets, 4 showers and 3 handbasins. 
Kitchen/canteen area to be hired by users of the sports ground
Storage areas to be hired by sports and community ground
Curator storage
Umpires room to be hired by users of the sports ground (Contains 1 standard toilet and shower) 
First Aid Room to be hired by users of the sports ground (Contains a fully equipped UAT, with a fully accessible shower)

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* 7. If you wish to add any comments, please feel free to add them below.

Please note there are no proposed changes to the existing YMCC Hockey Clubrooms building or the existing Scout Hall. (With the exception of adding a covered walkway to access the new public toilets).

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Submissions must be received by the Town of Cambridge by 5:00 PM Thursday 28 May 2020.
100% of survey complete.