
During the week of November 30, 2015, the Arts Board conducted consultation meetings with over 60 arts organizations. What arts organizations had to share with us during this first phase of the review process of the Professional Arts Organizations Program (PAOP) has now been summarized in the "What We Heard" document, which can be found here.

As the next phase of consultation and review the Arts Board is conducting a survey in order to:
· hear responses to the two key questions asked during the consultation meetings from arts organizations that were not able to attend;
· give arts organizations an opportunity to respond to "What We Heard";
· better understand certain responses; and
· ask specific questions about certain topics. 

This survey is intended for potential applicants to PAOP -- professional arts organizations that anticipate wanting to apply to the program.

We thank you in advance for completing the survey by Monday, February 29, 2016. It should take 10 minutes of your time from start to finish. Our intent is that your response is confidential, and we have structured it accordingly. However, if you wish to identify your organization in the survey, please do so. The results of this survey will be shared as part of the continued consultation process anticipated this spring.

If you have any questions at this time or technical difficulties with the survey, please contact Karen Henders at or 306-787-9634 (direct line).