GVCCC Chamber Changemaker Nominees

On May 21st, the GVCCC will be honoring local changemakers at our inaugural Chamber Changemaker Awards Ceremony. Below are the nominees for the Legacy Business Award and Woman-Owned Business Award. Please submit your vote and help us decide who is most deserving of this year's awards!
Celebrates the enduring and transformative contributions of a small-businesses that has stood the test of time, becoming integral pillars of the GVCCC community. The recipients of this award are recognized for their enduring legacy, community engagement, and the timeless mark they have left on the local landscape, making them iconic institutions that continue to shape and define the character of the GVCCC community.
Honoring a remarkable female entrepreneur, whose business embodies the vibrant spirit of our community. This award celebrates their outstanding leadership, innovation, and commitment to the community. Through their vision and dedication, they have not only achieved remarkable success but have also enriched the GVCCC neighborhoods, contributing to their economic vitality and cultural diversity