Division 22 Response - Human Rights Survey

HUMAN RIGHTS SURVEY: PLEASE NOTE SHORT TIMELINE: SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 – FIRST THING (7 AM MT) - The American Psychological Association (APA) Board of Directors recently appointed a Task Force on Human Rights to provide strategic advice to the Association in its engagement in the promotion and protection of human rights.  As this is so integral to our work as Rehabilitation Psychologists – I would like to open up our response to the widest possible audience.  Answers provided below will be compiled and sent ahead to APA.



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* 1. Has your division conducted any human rights-related activities?  If so, when did they occur?  Please briefly describe the activities, goals, and intended audiences, and any outcomes/achievements to date.

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* 2. What does your division see as the most valuable outcomes that could arise from the Task Force on Human Rights process?

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* 3. Are there specific activities that your division believes APA could or should engage in to advance human rights that APA is not now doing?

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* 4. Who are the human rights constituencies that the Task Force should try to reach?  Please consider groups internal to APA, and outside of the Association.

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* 5. How does your Division see the distinction between human rights and social justice?