Recovery During the Pandemic

Why This Survey is Being Conducted

This survey is being conducted by Cabin in the Woods Publishers, in accord with the new book release of Align - A Modern Dissection of the Human Heart. Thank you for taking the time to provide critical insight regarding this topic. This information will be used to better gauge methods and options when support systems are disrupted and to better understand addiction support as a whole.
1.Please indicate your current status of addiction.
2.Before the pandemic began in January 2019, what recovery support methods did you utilize?
3.In addition to the pandemic, there have been numerous other stressors facing recovering addicts, such as social and political unrest and controversy. Please describe how you have managed your mental, physical, and emotional health during this time.
4.In some situations, social distancing guidelines forced recovery support to adapt temporarily. Please share what options you personally found that were beneficial and why.
5.Comparing your recovery pre-pandemic to the current day,  would you say your progress has:
6.Many Americans were forced to alter their daily lives and schedules in response to the pandemic. As a result, people began to engage in new habits and routines. From the list below, please select any of the following that best represents your habits during this time.
7.Please indicate your religious beliefs.
8.If you feel we have missed something and would like to bring it to our attention, please do so here.