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* 1. First & Last Name

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* 2. Email

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* 3. How did you hear about The Living Room Health Studio & the online Membership?

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* 4. Please describe your past or present experience with yoga?

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* 5. Do you have any medical conditions that I should be aware of? (Ex: High blood pressure, knee injury- Important for modifications to your practice)

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* 6. What is your main reason for adding a yoga practice to your schedule?

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* 7. How many times of week do you plan to practice?

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* 8. If you are struggling with a pose, need a accountability, or have other questions- Please reach out to me anytime!
Do you have any questions for me before we get started?

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If, at any time during the class or workshop, I feel discomfort, strain, or pain, I will gently come into a modification, pause what I am doing, or seek assistance from my instructor. I will rest at any point that I feel I need to throughout the class or workshop. I understand that I am not obligated to perform what is being recommended by the instructor. As my inner wisdom is of upmost importance in my practice, I commit to listening to my body and its limits every time I practice.

1-I should consult a medical professional prior to beginning a fitness activity regime;
2-I am responsible for notifying my instructor or practitioner of any illness or injury before every class or workshop;
3-And neither the instructor or practitioner is liable for any injuries or damages to person or property resulting from attending classes or workshops with The Living Room Health Studio Yoga Membership

Do you accept these conditions?