Acing a Multiple Choice Test Quiz Question Title * 1. Name Name Question Title * 2. How do you prime your brain for some of the questions and details on a test? Skimming the entire test to get a general overview of the questions. Start immediately going through the questions one by one in a linear fashion. Complete the longer questions first. If you don't know an answer skip it and come back to it later. Question Title * 3. What is the Hard-start Jump-to-easy Technique? Complete the easy questions first before you jump to the hard ones. Eliminate all choices you know are in-correct. You jump into a difficult problem and spend a couple minutes thinking deeply about it, but if you can't get the answer to that problem you move on. Coming into a test being prepared for the most of the questions. Question Title * 4. Why should you read each question on your exam twice? In case there has been a mistake and your instructor has given the question twice Multiple choice questions can be tricky To fully understand the question you're being asked. It says in the instructions to read each question twice. Question Title * 5. Why is double checking your answers at the end of each page of your test, instead of waiting to do it all at the end important? This will prevent you from developing test anxiety. There may be an answer that is more correct than another. You shouldn't look over your test once you are finished. You won't rush or get intimidated by the number of questions you have to check. Question Title * 6. What activates when you in vision the area where you learn something? Context-independent memory Context-dependent memory State-dependent learning Encoding specificity principle Question Title * 7. According to William Poundstone, when you are faced with a true or false question what percent of the time is "true" the correct answer? 52% 44% 56% 77% Done