As an unpaid carer are you accessing your legal rights?

Our Track The Act survey is an opportunity for unpaid carers to say how their legal rights enshrined in the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 affect their lives.

Who is an unpaid carer?

An unpaid carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

Carers Wales launched the original Track The Act as these legal rights were introduced in 2016 and released an annual report on how these rights were being upheld each year until the start of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020.

Now we are pleased to bring Track The Act back, to look at how the landscape has changed since the pandemic and how carer support has been affected. In this survey, we will ask about information and advice you have received, if you’ve had a Carers Needs Assessment, the outcome of the Assessment (if undertaken) and what support you have been offered for caring.

This survey covers the period from April 2023 and March 2024 after the legal restrictions caused by the pandemic had been withdrawn. 

We thank you for completing this survey. The results will help us shine a light on what support carers across Wales are receiving and what more is needed.

This survey will take you between 20 and 25 minutes to complete.