Introduction - survey for a video-workshop

You were contacted by the patent office recently and this is the announced survey.

PERU is one of the countries participating in the service, representing the South, so your participation is important. The study is supported by the World Trade Organization and results will be presented there, in addition to a report to participating companies and government for PERU.

How much do you earn from licensing?

What are the terms you achieve when licensing with the developed world? This survey aims at showing the economic importance of patent licensing. Your data are therefore key to discuss facilitating such trade in ideas.

This survey is ANONYMOUS and individual information will NOT be shared. Summary information across all companies in the survey will be shared during the workshop and in the subsequent report as input. The report will be sent to all participants in the survey for your own information and use.

We also ask you to joint a workshop by video. There is a nice room for about 10 companies. Please select the preferred date at the end of the survey. 
Participants in the pilot-workshop will also receive a report from the workshop, including results from discussions.

About 10 companies will be represented in the first pilot-workshop. Government representatives from the patent office, ministry of economy and trade will be at the workshop.

In the workshop, we will discuss the importance of patent licensing, the barriers of trade that you face in patenting and licensing. These inputs will thus be used to facilitate the exchange in your patented technology with the world, hopefully containing lessons that will ameliorate your terms of trade. Ultimately increasing the Return on investments in Patent Assets is the goal.

So please fill out the survey to best reflect the value of such licensing to you.

The questions aim at understanding (i) terms of trade in patent licensing (prices) firms in developing countries actually achieve when licensing patent with the world, (ii) what is the Return on Assets that you have achieved and (iii) the barriers to licensing you have encountered.

We call this “Trade in Ideas”.

Hope to see you in the video-workshop!

Eskil Ullberg, PhD

Senior Research Scholar IMIT and the Trade in Ideas Program
Adjunct Professor, George Mason University

Question Title

* 1. Why do you licences patents (please give a short description)?
(If you don't license please explain 1) why and 2) how you use the patents)

Question Title

* 2. How many patent licensing agreements have you done in the last 15years?

Question Title

* 3. What strategy are you using for licensing your patents/patent portfolio?

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* 4. In what technical fields do you licence patents and to which countries?

Question Title

* 5. What types of contracts have you used?

  Fixed fee/lumpsum + royalty Fixed fee/lump sum only Royalty only Zero-royalty licensing Open access licensing Other International contracts National contracts
Licensing out
Licensing in
Cross-licensing (net payments)
Finance: Patent as a collateral for venture capital funding
Securitization (financing through patents as collateral assets)

Question Title

* 6. ***KEY QUESTION*** What were the terms of trade (price) you realised in your licensing, for what technology and for what markets(countries)? 

If you have more than one licence or transfer agreement, please write: L1: terms of trade (price, technology, countries), L2: terms of trade, etc. and T1: payments, T2: payments, etc. 

Example: L1: 10000€ per year + 8% on net sales; energy; GE,US,JP,CN

Question Title

* 7. Dispute settlement: What were the terms of trade (price) you realised or had to pay in any dispute settlement.
Explain if you were threatened, won, lost or had an out of court settlement.

Question Title

* 8. Joint collaborations in patent licensing

Question Title

* 9. If you calculate Return on Assets (ROA) on Patents: What are your ROA  on Patent licensing? How do you calculate that?

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* 10. What are the most challenging barriers to patent licensing and trade in ideas? Rank according to importance and risk? This issue will be discusses during the workshop.

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* 11. You are invited to join a video-workshop to discuss the summarised results ofall surveys anonymously. The workshop will last 3-4hours. Which dates would work best for you? Please rank in order of preference.

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* 12. General question: Please enter any any additional information about your commercialisation of patents through licensing

Question Title

* 13. Please enter your email, name and organisation if you found the survey on any Web, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn page.