Training Skills for Action Groups Registration Survey Please complete this survey to register for Training Skills for Action Groups, Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 February 2018. Registration deadline: COB Friday 9 February.Your feedback will feed into our design of the workshop, so we can make the training as relevant to your needs as possible. If you have any queries get in touch with India Prior: Question Title * 1. Please let us know your contact info for follow up. Name: Organisation/Action Group: State: Email Address: Phone Number: Question Title * 2. What experience have you had in relation to action groups, organising and campaigning? I am an organiser who supports volunteer action groups to set up and act I am a convenor or leader of an action group I am an active member of an action group None of the above but still keen to attend If 'none of the above' please let us know your involvement in social change. Keep it brief! Question Title * 3. What experience have you had training and/or facilitating groups? I have facilitated small group meetings I have MCed large events I have run short skills workshops (eg 1-2 hours) I have run longer training workshops (eg 1 day or more) I have trained others or mentored them on a one-to-one basis I haven't done these things but I might in the future! If you have trained others what kinds of topics have you covered? Question Title * 4. What would you like to get out of this workshop? What would be most useful for your work or activism? Question Title * 5. Can you attend the whole workshop? (9am-5pm on Saturday 17/2 and Sunday 18/2) Yes No If no, please let us know your movements. Please note that if you can't attend key parts of the workshop it may be too disruptive for you to attend at all. Question Title * 6. FeesFees are on a sliding scale of $250-$750 per person for the full workshop ie $250 for low income/unfunded organisations; $500 for average waged/medium sized organisations; $750 for well waged/larger organisations with a solid financial base.We will issue an invoice for your fee or be in touch to discuss options. I will pay the following fee (include amount in the box below) I'd like a Pay the Rent space (free attendance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants) Money is a barrier to me attending - please contact me to discuss options I'd like to donate to support attendance by low income activists (include amount in the box below) Fee and donation details Question Title * 7. FoodPlease let us know your food needs (tick as many as apply). Vegetarian Vegan Dairy free Gluten free Please include meat options for me Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Is there anything else you would like to add, or ask the facilitator? Please include any accessibility issues we should be aware of. Thanks for your input! We'll be in touch to confirm your registration soon. No payment needed at this stage, we'll send you an invoice. Done