Superintendent/Principal Search Survey

Thank you for providing your thoughts about who you would like to see as our next superintendent/principal. Your input is important and will help us develop a profile of our ideal new superintendent/principal. Thank you from the West Side Union School District Board of Trustees.

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* 1. Please indicate your relationship to the West Side Union School District.

If you have more than one role from the list below, please choose the one role that is most important to you when thinking about a new superintendent/principal.

This means what qualifications or skills you would like your next Superintendent/Principal to have. These are things you would normally see on a resume. Please read each prompt and indicate your rating on the five point scale.

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* 2. Experience as a Superintendent or Superintendent/Principal

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* 3. Experience as an assistant superintendent, or other district-level position

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* 4. Experience as a school principal

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* 5. Teaching experience 

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* 6. Has Master's Degree

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* 7. Has a Doctoral Degree (i.e., Ph.D. or Ed.D.)

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* 8. Speaks, reads, writes, understands Spanish

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* 9. Has experience working in a school/district with a significant population of English Learners

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* 10. Has experience working with California State Standards, accountability measures and student data

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* 11. Has significant knowledge, experience, and expertise with 21st Century Learning and Teaching in schools and school districts (the most modern, research-based practices)

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* 12. Has knowledge, experience, and expertise with instructional and curricular technology (i.e., knows how to use computers and other types of modern technology to improve teaching and learning)

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* 13. Record of success increasing student academic achievement (i.e., understands and utilizes various ways to improve student reading, writing and mathematics)

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* 14. Record of success promoting and supporting students' emotional and social well-being

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* 15. Has experience and expertise with special education students, staff and programs

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* 16. Has a record of success working well with employee associations (unions)

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* 17. Has experience/expertise with school district funding models, including the Local Control Funding Formula

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* 18. Has experience/expertise with capital improvement projects (has experience with school construction projects and how they're funded)

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* 19. Has a record of success communicating with stakeholders including families, staff, and the broader community using technology and electronic forms of communication, including social media channels

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* 20. Please list any other QUALIFICATIONS you would like your next superintendent/principal to have.

This means what kind of person would you like him or her to be. Please read each prompt and indicate your rating.

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* 21. Is a visionary leader with the skills and personality necessary to ensure West Side is recognized locally and statewide as a premiere school district

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* 22. Has a strong work ethic

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* 23. Has good communication skills: good listener (genuinely listens to the input and perspectives of others), good eye contact, is articulate and understandable, etc.

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* 24. Is honest and has integrity 

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* 25. Has students as her/his primary focus

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* 26. Is outgoing, personable, charismatic

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* 27. Has a sense of humor

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* 28. Has excellent conflict management skills (i.e. is skilled at resolving conflicts between groups and individuals)

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* 29. Community involvement (i.e. will be involved in the broader West Side and Sonoma County communities)

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* 30. Lives close to West Side

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* 31. Is visible throughout the school and frequently visits classrooms

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* 32. Will attend school and district events (i.e., concerts, plays, community meetings, special events, etc.)

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* 33. Demonstrated ability to work well with a variety of groups of people (school board, teachers, other school employees, parents, community members, etc.)

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* 34. Long-term commitment to the District (for example, he or she is committed to be at West Side for many years), including advocating for the District in the study of district consolidation.

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* 35. Please list any other PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES you would like your next superintendent to have.