Monitoring Foot Traffic in Vulnerable Areas

SchoolPass already provides cameras to detect vehicle traffic 24/7. These same cameras may also be used to detect foot traffic on a school’s property. By using object analytics, SchoolPass can:  
  • Train cameras on specific high-risk sections of campus 
  • Classify humans and vehicles 
  • Tie any foot traffic into the context of the school’s schedule to determine if any movement is expected or not. 
  • Adjust settings for special occasions or times of day 
  • Automatically alert school safety staff to unexpected foot traffic 24/7 

Let us know below what kind of priority you place on this kind of technology, and who you are so we can stay connected as we innovate our safety toolkit for K-12 schools.
1.Considering your current priorities, where would you rate the priority of monitoring vulnerable areas of your campus with this type of interconnected technology? (Required.)
2.First and Last Name
3.Email address
Current Progress,
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