Patron Satisfaction Survey

Big and exciting changes are coming to the Greensburg Hempfield Area Library! We're seeking fresh, up-to-date ideas from the community to make it happen. At the GHAL we love our books and they're not going anywhere, but for the purposes of this survey, we'd like to encourage you to think outside of the "book box." Libraries all over the country are evolving into innovative, vibrant hubs where community members of all ages can congregate, talk, make things, and learn together.

We hope the following 10 questions will help us pinpoint the unique needs and interests of the GHAL community so that we can be that hub for our patrons.

*This is an anonymous survey. Results will only be used to improve our services and space. We will not share any of your responses or comments with any outside organizations.*

Question Title

* 1. Are you a user of the Greensburg Hempfield Area Library?