1. 10 Short Questions

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* 1. How effectively did the Mixed Company Presentation get its message across to you and your classmates?

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* 2. Was the presentation realistic and applicable to your own life?

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* 3. What types of comments did you and your friends have about the presentation?

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* 4. How well did you relate to the Company Theatre Troupe?

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* 5. How likely would you be to recommend Mixed Company's Presentations to friends at other schools?

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* 6. What was your favourite part of the Mixed Company Theatre presentation?

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* 7. Is there any way we could improve our presentations?

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* 8. Which of the following topics are relevant to you and your friends and should be addressed by your school?

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* 9. Would you be interested in joining our Youth Troupe?
Please leave your email address and we will send information ASAP!

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* 10. Any additional comments?