The Oregon Legislature is in the middle of another session, state agency rulemaking is underway for many new and revised policies, and a consequential election is around the corner.
We need just a few minutes of your time!  Oregon Business & Industry—in partnership with the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce and your local chamber—wants to hear from businesses across the state. Your responses will help us make the case for bills that help promote a healthy private sector and against bills which will harm your ability to operate and our economy’s ability to grow.
This survey should take just a few minutes to complete, and an individual company’s answers will remain confidential.
Thank you for your help.

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* 1. Company name (for de-duplication purposes; answers will remain confidential):

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* 2. In what city/town is your business located? (If you have more than one location, please list your headquarters or primary location.)

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* 3. Approximately how many employees (full time, part time, and seasonal) do you have?

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* 4. Approximately how many full-time equivalent positions do you have?

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* 6. What grade would you give the business climate in Oregon?

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* 7. Is it better, worse, or about the same as a year ago?

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* 8. Do you think it will be better, worse or about the same in one year?

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* 9. What are the three biggest challenges you face in operating your business in Oregon?

Please answer yes, no, or not applicable to each of the following.

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* 10. Because of tax rates in Oregon, I am considering closing, selling or moving my business.

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* 11. Because of Oregon’s regulatory environment, I am considering closing, selling or moving my business.

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* 12. Regulations impacting business change so frequently that it is hard to keep up with what I am supposed to do.

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* 13. Increasing labor costs have led me to reduce the number of employees I would otherwise have.

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* 14. Increasing supply costs have led me to reduce the number of employees I would otherwise have.

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* 15. I want to grow my business, but any investments in doing so will be outside of Oregon.

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* 16. I can't find workers to fulfill my business needs.

Please agree or disagree with the each of the following statements about your experience with state government.

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* 17. It feels like state agencies are more interested in finding wrongdoing (even when there isn’t any) than in helping businesses like mine comply with regulations.

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* 18. I feel comfortable calling a state agency for help or to get clarification about a regulation.

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* 19. It feels like the goalposts are always moving and it is hard to keep up.

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* 20. I know where to go if I have a question about complying with a state law, rule or policy.

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* 21. State lawmakers care about the success of my business.

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* 22. Does your business contribute to or sponsor a local nonprofit or community-based program?

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* 23. As OBI builds its legislative agenda, tell us which state laws or policies you most want to see fixed.

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* 24. Anything else you'd like to share?