Directions: We want to know if WrapAround Service Coordination has been helpful to you. Check the box that matches what you believe about each statement. Skip any of the items you do not want to answer. All answers are kept confidential. If responses are shared, no identifying information will be included unless you express otherwise at the end of this survey. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Stacey Garske, Summit County Family and Children First Council Executive Director at 330-212-5508. Thank you for completing this survey! Your responses will help us build a stronger WrapAround Service Coordination program.

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* 1. Please identify your role on the Family Wraparound Service Coordination Team:

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* 2. Name of WrapAround Service Coordination Family Team Facilitator:

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* 3. The WrapAround process was explained and I understood my role on the family team

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* 4. I felt listened to and respected throughout the WrapAround process

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* 5. The family team was made up of both professionals and natural supports (for example, family members, friends, neighbors, pastor, etc.)

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* 6. The meetings were held at times and locations convenient to the family

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* 7. The meetings were helpful and productive

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* 8. Team meetings were scheduled as often as needed

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* 9. The Plan of Care developed by the Family Team included the Family’s Vision Statement and Team Mission Statement

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* 10. The Plan of Care developed by the Family Team had realistic action steps to help meet family vision and team mission/goals

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* 11. The Plan of Care was reviewed and updated at each meeting

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* 12. Team members completed assignments on time

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* 13. The youth/family were linked to appropriate community resources and supports

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* 14. Participating in WrapAround Service Coordination was a helpful experience and helped strengthen the youth/family

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* 15. The WrapAround Service Coordination Family Team Facilitator was effective; facilitated good team discussions and followed through on tasks

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* 16. Do have you any other comments and/or suggestions? Was there anything you needed but did not get?

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* 17. Name & Telephone number (optional)

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* 18. May we contact you with further questions?