The following survey is designed to help us determine the eligibility of Antelope Valley College students for support services funded by federal grants. When you answer these questions, you put the college a step closer to creating a stronger, more supportive network of services to help you achieve your academic goals. Please take a few minutes to answer the following survey questions. As a token of our appreciation for completing this survey, you will be entered in a drawing for a $100 Visa card.

Question Title

* 1. Student ID:

Question Title

* 2. Gender:

Question Title

* 3. Age:

Question Title

* 5. College Experience:

Question Title

* 6. Class:

Question Title

* 7. Enrollment:

Question Title

* 11. Are you employed?

Question Title

* 12. Are you receiving financial aid?

Question Title

* 13. If you are receiving financial aid, which kind? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 14. Please comment on the effectiveness of any financial aid assistance, advising or counseling you received (i.e. assistance from the financial aid office in applying for aid, locating scholarships, etc.):

Question Title

* 15. If you are not receiving financial aid, what is/are the reason(s)?

Question Title

* 16. Are you a parent?

Question Title

* 17. If you are a parent, are you a single parent?

Question Title

* 18. What is the primary language spoken in your home?

Question Title

* 19. How many people live in your home (including yourself)?

Question Title

* 21. What are some of the reasons you have missed, or would miss a class? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 22. Do you have a diagnosed disability?

Question Title

* 23. Are you or have you been homeless while in college?

Question Title

* 24. Are you currently or have you been in the foster care system?

Question Title

* 25. Does your family support your decision to attend college?

Question Title

* 26. Did your family expect you to attend college when you were in high school?

Question Title

* 27. Have you ever felt family pressure to quit college?

Question Title

* 28. Have you ever dropped or stopped out of college for at least one semester?

Question Title

* 29. If you answered "yes" to number 28, what was the reason you dropped or stopped out? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 30. What possible roadblocks exist to your completing your education (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 31. In your opinion, what is the greatest obstacle you need to overcome to earn a college degree and why?

Question Title

* 32. Have you ever had the following experiences at Antelope Valley College?

  Yes No
Met individually with an instructor
Met with a dean or vice president
Attended an orientation session
Joined a school activity or club
Attended a lecture, play or musical performance
Dropped a course
Not completed a course assignment
Joined a study group
Worried that you might not succeed
Had a staff member or instructor take a personal interest in your success
Considered transfer to a 4-year college
Received assistance with completing FAFSA and/or scholarship applications
One-on-one assistance with math courses
One-on-one assistance with writing courses
Professional Job Shadowing
Participated in a mentoring program
Received advice/assistance with course selection

Question Title

* 33. How many times have you met with an advisor?

Question Title

* 34. If you have met with an advisor, how much total time have you spent with your advisor?

Question Title

* 35. Are you able to consistently complete your coursework from your home computer?

Question Title

* 36. If you answered “no” to question number 30, why? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 37. Have you ever dropped a course because of lack of computer access?

Question Title

* 38. Have you used or would you expect to use the following services while enrolled at Antelope Valley College and how often?

  Never Sometimes Often Don’t Know
Career Planning
Developmental Courses
Academic Advisors
Computer Lab
Financial Aid
Work Study
Time Management Workshop
Study Skills Seminar
Services for Disabled Students

Question Title

* 39. What improvements could be made to tutoring, academic advising, and any other services you have used at Antelope Valley College?

Question Title

* 40. In which areas do students need assistance in order to be more successful at college?

Question Title

* 41. What do you need to be successful in college (e.g. specific services, assistance, etc.)?

Thank you!