TRI-I RCR Fall 2016 Pre-survey

Please take a moment to complete this anonymous pre-survey. The results of this survey and a post-survey that will be administered at the conclusion of the course will be used to evaluate the RCR educational needs of the MSK, RU, and WCM research community and the effectiveness of this course in particular. All answers are confidential – we ask for position, department, institution, experience, etc. for assessment purposes only – not identification of individuals.

Question Title

* 1. Position - choose as many as apply

Question Title

* 2. Institution

Question Title

* 3. Department/Program

Question Title

* 4. Years of research experience (including Graduate Training)

Question Title

* 5. Have you ever been an author of a published paper or abstract?

Question Title

* 6. Have you ever completed an RCR or Research Ethics course in the past?

Question Title

* 7. How often do you think about standards of conduct related to each of the following:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often N/A
Record-keeping practices (lab notebooks or research charts)
Storing or retaining data
Data ownership
Sharing data
Confidentiality of data with identifying information
Discarding or ignoring data
Data reproducibility
Safe laboratory practices
Determining authorship
Duplicative publication
Citing/referencing other works
Peer review
Reporting discrepancies and/or problems witnessed in the lab
Reporting and/or avoiding potential conflicts of interest
Collaborator relationships
Mentor/trainee relationships
Dual use research
Export control regulations

Question Title

* 8. How often are the following topics discussed among members of your research group? (If you do not currently belong to a research group, answer based on a previous research or lab setting)

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often N/A
Methods for proper record-keeping
Responsible ownership, sharing and retention of data
Importance of collaboration and steps to promote successful collaborations
Principles for responsible use of animal subjects
Principles for responsible use of human subjects
Criteria for what and when to publish
Criteria for authorship
Risk of conflicts of interest
Responsibilities of peer reviewers
Roles and responsibilities of mentors and trainees
Special ethical concerns for research involving genetic technology or dual use research
Responsibilities and strategies for action after witnessing misconduct

Question Title

* 9. If faced with problems in these areas, how would you rate your knowledge of options available to you at your institution? (i.e., do you know who to contact for guidance?)

  Low Average High Very High N/A
Data ownership
Intellectual property
Securing a patent for an invention
Obtaining a copyright
Reporting a potential conflict of interest
Reporting suspected violations and/or misconduct in the lab
Grant application/submission
Proposal development - finding funding opportunities
Contract negotiations
Institutional Review Board/Privacy Board (IRB/PB) - Human Subject Research
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) - Animal Subject Research
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) - Use of rDNA
Embryonic Stem Cell Use
Export control restrictions