Please complete the survey below to give us valuable insight on our current events and amenities at 88 Tactical.

Question Title

* Name:

If you wish to remain anonymous, please leave field blank.

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* How long have you been a member?

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* How regularly do you use the range?

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* How regularly do you use the gym?

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* How regularly do you visit the Founders Club restaurant?

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* How many training classes have you taken since becoming a member?

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* Have you visited our Tekamah facility?

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* On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your membership amenities?

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* Check any events you have attended at 88 Tactical in 2023:

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* What activities/events would you like to see more/less of?

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* On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend 88 Tactical to a friend/family member?

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* How useful do you find our website to be in finding information about our classes, events, and resources offered by 88 Tactical?