Unity in Diversity Event Feedback

The below survey is designed to evaluate the Unity in Diversity half day event that was done on September 16th 2023. The goal is to use this information for future planning purposes. The survey takes 4 minutes to complete.
1.How long did you attend the event
2.I felt welcomed.
3.The meeting felt safe
4.Was there anything that caused you to feel uncomfortable?
5.Are there any IT related suggestions for the future
6.Trusted servants, chair, IT, other staff behaved in a manner consistent with the concepts, traditions, & commitment to service
7.Did you notice any bias during the event?
8.How well did the event meet your expectations
9.Did you attend the 2022 Diversity and Inclusion event
10.How likely are you to attend the next Diversity and inclusion event
11.We are considering having workshops in the future. Are there any topics related to diversity and inclusion that you would like to see addressed in the future?
12.Any comments about the event
13.what is your gender
14.What best describes your sexual orientation
15.what race or ethnicity best fits-select all that apply