Question Title

* 1. Name (Optional)

Question Title

* 2. Email Address (Optional)

We value your feedback! Please rate the sessions you attended. Thank you.

Question Title

* 4. The quality of the speaker(s) was excellent.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
Keynote Speaker - Gunjan Kedia
Don't Quarantine Your Health
Tech Tips for New Normal
Panel: Combating Systemic Racism
GREAT-ful Leadership
Sensible Finances for Insensible Times

Question Title

* 5. The topic was a relevant learning experience.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
Keynote Speaker - Gunjan Kedia
Don't Quarantine Your Health
Tech Tips for New Normal
Panel: Combating Systemic Racism
GREAT-ful Leadership
Sensible Finances for Insensible Times

Question Title

* 6. The Facilitated Networking Discussions were engaging and effective.

Question Title

* 7. How would you rate the overall event (with 10 being the highest)?

Question Title

* 8. I would recommend this conference to a friend.

Question Title

* 9. I'd like to learn how to become more involved with WIL (if yes, please make sure to include your email above)

Question Title

* 10. Please follow up with me regarding a donation to WIL Charities (if yes, please make sure to include your email above)

Question Title

* 11. Please provide topics that would be of interest to you in future sessions (could be more of what you heard during the conference)

Question Title

* 12. General comments and additional feedback

Question Title

* 13. This is my first WIL event