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50% of survey complete.
Welcome to our Ambassador Pledge which we have designed to be quick and easy for you to fill in (5 min or so). The Ambassador Pledge has been designed to ensure that you are aware of what commitment we would like from all our Ambassadors. If you meet all the criteria and use our logo you will stay as part of the AONB Ambassador family.
Why are we creating this pledge?
Our Ambassador Pledge has been created to ensure that everyone who originally signed up to the scheme still wishes to stay involved. We want all our Ambassadors to share our ethos and ideals so that we are a family with the same goals.
Our commitment – what we have done for Ambassadors so far
As part of our commitment to you, the East Devon AONB team have spent time creating resources for you; Ambassador logos, a google map, post cards, East Devon Way walking guides, coasters. We have run adverts in town guides, with parish councils and in national magazines and local newspapers and we have negotiated good deals on advertising rates in new local town guides. We invited you to our Rural Business Fair in February 2015, with master classes to help you in your business, all free and you were also recently invited to the Catchment Management event and River Otter walk (July) and our Annual Forum (September) and our fundraising event with Higher Wiscombe Holiday Cottages (September).
Your commitment – your pledge 
We expect our Ambassadors to support local markets and products, encourage the use of environmentally friendly transport, save energy & care about the environment. Importantly, as an ambassador you commit to using the Ambassador logo on your web site (and in other ways) to demonstrate to your guests, visitors and customers that you are an Ambassador and love the countryside as much as we do.
What do I need to do?  
We welcome your comments - it's only by knowing your opinions that we can meet your needs and by reply you can influence major changes. 
If you have any comments or queries please contact us on 
What if I don’t meet all the pledges?
If you can't tick all the pledge requirements yet, but would like to remain an Ambassador, just let us know. We would like to help you achieve them, we will be very pleased to include you in the scheme.