Feedback about your professional learning session experiences.

Thank you so much for agreeing to provide us with some feedback about the Texas Success Center's Institute #6:
Teaching and Learning in a Texas Pathways Framework.  The feedback you provide will help us to improve our services and resources in the coming year. Our evaluator Karin Samii Shore with Shore Research will be collecting and aggregating the data. Please feel free to reach out to her if you have any questions or concerns at 512-826-2736. 

Question Title

* 1. What is your position at your institution? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. Please provide your opinion about how well the Texas Pathways Institute's implementation met your needs. 

Implementation of the Texas Pathways Institute

Not at all
A bit
To a good extent
5. To a
great extent
Don't know N/A
The implementation of the Texas Pathways Institute reflected careful planning and organization.
The resources used in the Texas Pathways Institute contributed to the implementation.
The instructional strategies and activities used in the Texas Pathways Institute reflected attention to participants' experience, preparedness, and/or learning styles.
The session leaders and/or facilitators were able to "read" the participants' level of understanding and adjusted the sessions accordingly.
Adequate time and structure were provided for working with our coach.
Adequate time and structure were provided for "sense-making."
Adequate time and structure were provided for wrap-up.

Question Title

* 4. Please provide your opinion about how well Texas Pathways Institute content met your needs.

Texas Pathways Institute Content

Not at all
A bit
To a good extent
5. To a
great extent
Don't know N/A
Participants were intellectually engaged with important concepts relevant to the focus of the Texas Pathways Institute.
The content presented was relevant to  the focus of the Texas Pathways Institute.
The session leaders/presenters and/or facilitators appeared confident in their ability to present the content.
The session leaders/presenters and/or facilitators displayed an understanding of the content and concepts.

Question Title

* 5. Please provide your opinion about how well the Texas Pathways Institute culture met your needs.

Texas Pathways Institute Culture

Not at all
A bit
To a good extent
5. To a
great extent
Don't know N/A
The session leaders and/or facilitators encouraged a collaborative approach to learning.
Active participation of all was encouraged and valued.
Intellectual rigor, constructive criticism, and the challenging of ideas were evident.
Participants were encouraged to generate ideas, questions, conjectures, and/or propositions.
Participants' ideas, questions, and contributions were treated with respect.

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the Texas Pathways Institute?

Question Title

* 7. Which (if any) of these Pre-Institute Workshops did you attend?

Question Title

* 8. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the Pre-Institute Workshop you attended?

Question Title

* 9. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the PLENARY SESSIONS at the Texas Pathways Institute?

Question Title

* 10. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the CONCURRENT SESSIONS at the Texas Pathways Institute?

Question Title

* 11. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the BIRDS OF A FEATHER SESSIONS at the Texas Pathways Institute?

Question Title

* 12. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the TEAM TIME AND ACTION PLANNING SESSIONS at the Texas Pathways Institute? (This is listed as TEAM STRATEGY TIME in the agenda. In these sessions several college teams met to discuss work.  Your coach moved about the room supporting each team as they worked.)

Question Title

* 14. How effective was your coach in helping you to build capacity to use data resources?

Question Title

* 15. Considering the KPI/Dashboard Data presented:

Question Title

* 16. To what extent did your team achieve the learning outcomes indicated in the agenda?

  Achieved Mostly achieved Somewhat achieved Not achieved Not sure NA- not a member of a college team
. Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to gain insights into existing teaching and learning
practices and their differential impact on student outcomes.
Consider findings and reflections from national experts to inform the improvement of
instructional programs within the whole-college pathways redesign efforts
Engage with fellow Texas community college colleagues in a peer learning network designed
for sharing and learning from the successful scaling of essential teaching and learning
Develop detailed action plans for improving teaching and learning practices targeting
improved student outcomes, especially for Black students, Latino students, and students
from low-income backgrounds.

Question Title

* 17. Please use this space to provide feedback you have about the focus groups you conducted in advance of the institute.

Question Title

* 18. How much time did your college team spend planning for, conducting, analyzing and reporting on the focus groups for this Institute?

Question Title

* 19. If your college designed and implemented a concurrent session for this Institute, please use this space to give us feedback about the design and implementation process. 

Question Title

* 20. How much time did your college team spend planning for, designing and implementing your concurrent session for this Institute?

Question Title

* 21. Please tell us what was most useful about the Texas Pathways Institute in terms of your institution's ability to implement or improve pathways strategies?

Question Title

* 22. Please tell us what we can do to improve the Texas Pathways Institute.

Question Title

* 23. Is there anything else you would like us to know?