Recruitment Letter

Dear FANA Members,

     My name is Brittany K. Rhodes, and I am a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student attending Barry University. I am conducting an evidenced based project to identify the effects of cuffed versus uncuffed endotracheal tubes (ETTs) in pediatric patients and effects on post-extubation stridor. The title of this DNP scholarly project is: Endotracheal Tubes in Pediatric Patients: Cuffed versus Uncuffed. I am specifically looking for feedback from Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) to evaluate current practice and knowledge regarding the use of cuffed versus uncuffed ETTs in pediatric patients younger than eight years old.

     Your participation for this DNP Scholarly Project is voluntary. Confidentiality will be maintained during your participation. A survey will be provided to you via where you will access a questionnaire pertaining to your current practice and knowledge base of ETTs in pediatric patients. To follow, is a short PowerPoint presentation of evidence-based literature regarding the use of ETTs in pediatric patients. Lastly, a post-questionnaire will be provided accessing your understanding and knowledge gained. Participation may require up to 15 minutes of your time. You may opt-out or leave the study at any time without penalty.

     There are no known benefits to participants, however, by offering a review of evidenced-based literature, participants will have the opportunity to gain practical knowledge on the use of cuffed and uncuffed endotracheal tubes in pediatric patients younger than age eight. This study may positively impact the delivery of care to this age group undergoing endotracheal intubation and serve as an educational tool for practice change among anesthesia providers aiming to reduce and or prevent post-extubation stridor.

Please complete the following steps to participate in this project:

1.      Complete Pre-Intervention Survey: 

2.      View Educational Presentation:

3.      Complete Post-Intervention Survey:

Thank you for your time and support. Your participation in this DNP scholarly project is greatly appreciated. You may contact me with any questions or concerns.

Brittany K. Rhodes, BSN, SRNA

Primary Investigator Contact:
Brittany K. Rhodes, RN, BSN
Phone: (404) 717 - 2471

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Christina Vera, PhD, DNP, CRNA
Phone: (786) 355 - 8652

IRB Point of contact:
Jasmine Trana
Phone: (305) 899-3020