Governor Jerry Brown’s new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is intended to provide funding from the State to local districts. It is important for Lompoc Unified School District to consider how well we are doing in achieving improved outcomes for all students related to the LUSD Board of Education goals and eight state priorities.

Board of Education Goals
1. Maximize the academic achievement of all students as evidenced by assessment data corresponding to programs that have been implemented.
2. Develop the capacity of all staff to meet the academic needs of all students.
3. Provide a safe and respectful learning environment for students and staff.
4. Promote effective communication among students, staff, community and stakeholders.

State Priorities
1. Student Achievement
2. School Climate
3. Student Engagement
4. Parental Involvement
5. Basic Services
6. Implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
7. Course Access
8. Other Student Outcomes

We invite you to provide your input to assist us in developing our Local Accountability Plan (LCAP). Please begin by telling us about yourself.

Question Title

* 1. What school/s are you affiliated with (Click all that apply):

Question Title

* 2. Secondary school/s that you are affiliated with (Click all that apply)::

Question Title

* 3. I am a ....

Question Title

* 4. What is your race or ethnicity?

Question Title

* 5. What is your child’s primary language spoken in your home?

How to Rank your Responses
The next series of questions will ask you to rank your school experiences regarding school attendance, programs, curriculum, parental involvement, and college and career readiness. Please rank the statements according to your experience indicated by: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, No Opinion.

Question Title

* 6. State Priority #1

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
Our school’s curriculum reflects high expectations for students.
I am satisfied that my child is learning the kind of skills and knowledge to graduate from high school.
I am satisfied with my child’s school performance/academic achievement thus far this year.
The high schools have sufficient college, career and technical support.
Our school has adequate tutoring, peer tutoring and mentor programs.
I would like to see more support for struggling students during school hours.
I would like to have summer school available for remediation.
I would like to have summer school available for enrichment opportunities.
Student achievement can be measured in many ways. Please rate the importance of the following to evaluate student achievement.

Question Title

* 7. Student achievement can be measured in many ways. Please rate the importance of the following to evaluate student achievement.

  Very Important Somewhat Important Important Not Important No Opinion
Standardized Tests
College Readiness (Acceptance rates)
Career Readiness (ROP/certificates)
Outlook on school

Question Title

* 8. If you are a student, which programs do you participate in:

Question Title


Question Title

* 10. State Priority #2

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
Our school provides a positive and orderly learning environment.
The principal and office staff is friendly and welcoming when I call or visit the school.
Students in this school demonstrate genuine concern for fellow students.
The teachers and other staff promote understanding of various family cultures and backgrounds.
Our school contacts parents in a timely matter regarding low academic scores, behavioral issues and missed attendance.
The school rules and discipline policies are clear and understandable.
Our school has an adequate anti-bullying plan that addresses bullying at all levels.
Discipline at school is fair and effective for all students.
My child feels safe and enjoys going to school.

Question Title


Question Title

* 12. State Priority #3

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
My child is motivated to attend school and learn.
My school does a good job of finding ways to motivate students to attend school on a regular basis.
It would be helpful to have additional school programs to build student motivation and improve school attendance.
It would be helpful to have more recognition for good attendance in the form of awards, incentives etc.
It would be helpful to have more recognition for good academic achievement in the form of awards, incentives etc.
It would be helpful to have more student leadership opportunities.
It would be helpful to have more student orientation programs. (Kindergarten Tea, Jump Start, Brave Camp, Conq Camp)
It would be helpful to have more visual and performing arts.
It would be helpful to have more vocational and career technical education opportunities.
It would be helpful to have more varied athletic opportunities. (fencing, hockey, etc.)

Question Title

* 13. What are your suggestions for increasing student engagement & motivation in order to improve attendance, lower the dropout rate, and increase high school graduation rates?

Question Title

* 14. State Priority #4

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
This school does a good job sharing information about schedules, emergency issues, and school policies.
Teachers communicate frequently with parents about curriculum plans, expectations for homework, class work, and how parents can help.
Information about how students are doing in school is available between report cards.
The school contacts parents promptly is their student is absent.
Parents are contacted if a student is struggling academically.
When I contact my child’s teacher or the school office via email or voicemail, I receive a reply within two days.
Our school provides opportunities for parent involvement in making decisions.
Our school communicates the importance of parent involvement and how to get involved in committees like SSC, PTA etc.

Question Title

* 15. Are you a member of:

Question Title

* 16. What are some successful strategies that you have seen that increased parent involvement?

Question Title

* 17. State Priority #5

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
The school’s buildings and play areas are clean, safe, and in adequate repair.
Students have access to necessary textbooks needed to complete class work and home work.
Students have access to appropriate technology and the internet when needed.
There is access to transportation in order to fully participate in site programs.
Our school has quality substitute teachers when needed.
Our school has qualified teachers and quality instruction.

Question Title


The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) detail what skills K-12 students should know and be able to do at the end of each grade in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA). Although the state of California is focused on supporting all student groups, one specific concern is implementing Common Core State Standards such that it is accessible to English Learners and aligns to English Language Development standards.

Question Title

* 19. State Priority #6

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
I am aware that the state has adopted new Common Core State Standards.
It would be helpful to have parent workshops that educate parents about the Common Core State Standards and how to assist their children outside the classroom.
The teachers do a good job of explaining what the students are expected to learn and what kinds of classroom activities help support their learning.
Our school effectively communicates student progress towards learning goals.
Our school effectively helps students to use critical thinking and problem solving skills.
I think that English Learners are being taught Common Core State Standards and served effectively.

Question Title

* 20. State Priority #7

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
Students have access to courses that will ensure they are on track for graduation.
Students have access to a broad and challenging curriculum.
Our school has sufficient courses designed for individuals with exceptional needs.
Our school has electives that are in line with the interests of the students.
There are adequate classes offered to ensure students are able to take their desired elective.

Question Title

* 21. State Priority #8

In addition to student achievement on standardized tests, the district assesses student outcomes in other areas (e.g. physical fitness, responses to the California Healthy Kids Survey and student participation in the Arts.)

Please give us your suggestions as to what other factors you feel should be included when determining student success.