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Dear TP user and stakeholder,

To evaluate the usability of ENTSOG Transparency Platform (ENTSOG TP), we would like to ask you to provide your view on the questions of the ENTSOG TP SATISFACTION SURVEY. ENTSOG will publish the results on its website in aggregated form, and reserves the right to make the individual responses public.

If needed you can download a printable version of the survey via this link [download PDF version here], but only responses submitted via SurveyMonkey are accepted. Please note that only answers with responder’s name and company name will be considered as valid.

ENTSOG established the ENTSOG TP in 2013 to fulfil the requirements of Annex I, Chapter 3 of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009, and it has been available in its present form since October 2014. More than 300 users have registered, on a daily basis several hundred users visit the page and more than 40000 files are downloaded every day, either manually or via the automated download tool (API interface).

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* 1. Contact details - mandatory fields

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* 2. Contact details (continued)

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* 3. Company name - can be omitted in public reports if requested (see Q10 below)

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* 4. Could you precise your background/business area?

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* 5. Please provide your country of activities:

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* 6. Which kind of data are you most interested in?

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* 7. How often do you use the TP?

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* 8. What is the purpose you are using the TP for?

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ENTSOG reserves the right to make the responses received to this survey public (except those where the responder indicated not to have their responses disclosed).

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* 9. Please indicate whether your responses could be disclosed in public reports (answers to be included or not in the aggregated reports):

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* 10. Company name - confidentiality

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* 11. GDPR - data processing