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The AED Foundation's – Knapheide Technicians of the Year Award recognizes the hard-working technicians who are critical to the success of AED distributor members and the industry as a whole. The winners will be announced during The AED Foundation Fundraising Gala, held during the 2025 Summit, on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 in Orlando.

Nominations are open to all technicians with at least 5 years of experience. One winning technician will be recognized from each of the following regions: Eastern Canada, Western Canada, Great Lakes, Midwest, Northeast, South Central, Southeast, and West. The location of a company’s headquarters determines their region.

Please complete the information below to nominate a technician for the Technician of the Year Award.

**Please note that nominations will be accepted until Friday, October 11, 2024.**

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the contact information for nominator/employer: