
The goal of this short (3-minute) survey is to gather input about the climate surrounding bias, discrimination or bullying in the field of ocean sciences as well as assess progress or obstacles associated with diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and/or accessibility in the field. All responses are anonymous. This information will inform discussions during the TOS JEDI Committee Town Hall on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at the Ocean Sciences Meeting and contribute to the post-hoc synthesis of this discussion.

Please respond no later than March 1, 2024.

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* 1. I have personally witnessed bias, discrimination, or bullying impacting someone else in the field of ocean sciences in the past 2 years.

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* 2. I have personally experienced bias, discrimination, or bullying in the field of ocean sciences in the past 2 years.

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* 3. I have been offered opportunities to learn about or participate in activities focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and/or accessibility in the field of ocean sciences in the past 2 years.

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* 4. I have noticed an increase in diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and/or accessibility in the field of ocean sciences in the past 2 years.

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* 5. Are you working at an institution that is impacted by legislation to decrease diversity, equity and inclusion efforts?


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* 6. Are you a member of one of the professional societies sponsoring this meeting? Please check all that apply:

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* 7. What is your career stage?

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* 8. What sector do you primarily work in?

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* 9. Where is your primary residence? 

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* 10. What is your race or ethnicity? (Choose all that apply.)

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* 11. Which of the following best describes you? (Select one answer.)

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* 12. Which of the following best describes your sexual identity? (Select all that apply.)

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* 13. Do you have a long-lasting or chronic condition (such as a physical, visual, auditory, cognitive, emotional, or other condition) that requires ongoing accommodations for you to conduct daily life activities (such as your ability to see, hear, or speak or to learn, remember, or concentrate)?