Named after the founding President of the Council for Business and the Arts in Canada (now Business / Arts), we invite you to nominate a young changemaker who has made an outstanding contribution to the arts sector.

The recipient of the Arnold Edinborough Award will receive the award at the Business / Arts Awards Celebration along with a cash prize of $5,000 to be directed to the arts organization(s) of their choice.

Additional details of eligibility, selection criteria and jury process can be found here.

The nomination deadline is Friday, December 15th, 2023.
Nominee Information

Information about the individual you are nominating for the Arnold Edinborough Award

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Details

Nominator Information 

Information about individual and/or organization making the nomination

Question Title

* 2. Nominator Information

To Complete This Nomination...

All documents must be submitted electronically (with signatures from all required parties). Please note that you may not exceed 16 MB per upload. 

1). The nominator must submit a letter (750 words maximum) that explicitly outlines the nominee's outstanding contribution(s) to the Canadian arts and culture sector.

The letter should provide specific examples to support how the nominee has:
  • Made a positive impact on; a wide diversity of arts organizations in a community; one particular organization; or one arts discipline. Similarly, the nominee may be known nationally or only in the community in which the individual lives, relative to the size of the community in which their contributions to the arts have taken place.
  • Facilitated change with clear and measurable results 
  • Cultivated long-term and successful relationships and partnerships to affect change
  • Demonstrated leadership in a volunteer role 
2). A bio or CV (can be submitted in English and/or French)

3). Headshot and up to five (5) photos that showcase their impact and involvement in the community (photos should be jpeg/png at least 1500 pixels wide).


4). Letters of endorsement from third parties. Maximum of 3 letters (500 words max/letter)