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Conference Planning

The VASSP-VDOE-VFEL are planning for the 2024 Virginia Middle and High School Conference & Exposition.  We are asking that you support our efforts by responding to the questions in this survey.  We will use this information to help us meet middle and high school principals' and assistant principals' needs. 

Please complete this survey by the EOB, March 5, 2024. It should take approximately 3 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your professional role.

Question Title

* 2. Keynote Speaker and General Sessions: Which one of the topics below best represents content you would like provided by a keynote speaker in a general session?

Question Title

* 3. Content for the Professional Practices Symposium and VDOE Colloquium. Please rate each of the content areas below as Most Needed, Needed, Not Needed at All.

  Most Needed Needed Not Needed at All
Classroom Management
Instructional Planning and Teaching
Data and Data Use
Addressing Disparities in Subgroups
Improving Graduation Rate/Attendance Rate
Improving Principal, School Leader and Teacher Professional Development
Innovative Social-Emotional Support for Students and Teachers
Innovative Staff Recruitment and Retention Practices
Supporting Students, School Leaders and Teacher Mental Health
Supporting Students with Disabilities

Question Title

* 4. Anything you would like to ask the planning committee to consider?

0 of 4 answered