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At OHS, we are deeply committed to collecting, preserving, and sharing Oklahoma’s rich history. Your perspective is vital in this process. To craft a comprehensive plan that will guide the direction of our agency for the next five years, we need your insights. We invite you to take a few minutes to participate in our strategic planning survey.

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* 1. What best describes your relationship with the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS)? (Select all that apply.)

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* 2. How would you categorize your current level of involvement with the OHS?

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* 3. How familiar are you with the programs of and resources available from the OHS?

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* 4. What are three (3) things OHS does well? 

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* 5. What three (3) things could the OHS improve?

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* 6. What three (3) areas of Oklahoma history should be a primary focus of historians for the next three to five years?

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* 7. Which of our programs/resources do you engage with most often?

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* 8. I have a clear understanding of OHS and its mission.

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* 9. How important is history in your community?

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* 10. How would you like to receive information from the OHS? Check all that apply.

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* 11. Are there any programs that are not currently offered by OHS that you would like to see offered in the future?

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* 12. Do you view OHS as a source of credible  and reliable information?

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* 13. Which age range best describes you?

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* 14. Which best describes your ethnicity?

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* 15. Do you live in Oklahoma?

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