Question Title

* 1. Please choose your Student Classification 

Please complete this survey by assigning each statement an answer that corresponds to your opinion.

Question Title

* 2. Please answer the following according to your personal opinion

  Not Applicable Needs Improvement Average Good  Excellent
Please check the statement that describes your attitude towards this institution and its mission.
Please check the statement that describes your attitude toward your major course of study at this institution.
Please check the statement that describes how you would rate the faculty in your course of study.
Please rate the effectiveness of the Student Orientation provided. 
Please describe your ability to utilize the College Learning Management System, Zoom, LIRN, and other educational technology after completing the Orientation program ?
How satisfied are you with the information concerning program requirements provided by advisors at this institution? 
To what extent are advisors available to you when needed? 
Rate your ability to have your textbooks and other resources as needed for each course.  
Describe your level of satisfaction with the campus library and services?
Describe your level of satisfaction with the online library resources available to you. 
Describe your level of satisfaction with the Financial Aid services.  
Rate your level of confidence that your grades are reported promptly and accurately. 
Describe the service you receive in the Business/Student Billing Office. 
Select the term that best describes your perceived level of safety while on campus. 
Select the term that best describes your satisfaction with food service available on campus. 
How satisfied are you with Career Counseling services available to you? 
To what extent does your program prepare you for the licensure exam (s). 
To what extent does your program at this institution prepare you for your employment? 

Question Title

* 3. Additional Comments