TA Evaluation

Question Title

* 1. Course Info.

Question Title

* 2. Evaluate the following statements.

  Very Good Good Fair Poor NA
States goals and objectives for class session
Clarifies course material
Draws in examples relevant to course content and student experience
Clarity of leadership (voice, manner, etc.)
Ease in leadership and/or facilitative role
Responsive to classroom environment
Engages student questions with seriousness and respect
Negotiates differences in student views
Gives helpful written feedback on papers
Helped me learn

Question Title

* 3. If giving a presentation in class, please evaluate the TA on the following:

  Very Good Good Fair Poor NA
States goals and objectives for presentation
Presents clearly (content and style)
Invites discussion
Responds to student questions and comments

Question Title

* 4. Additional  Course Evaluation Questions

Question Title

* 5. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?