Abstract Submission Form

The Dermatology Nurses' Association (DNA) 41st Annual Convention will be held in Savannah, GA in February 2023. The objective of the Convention is to provide the opportunity to explore ways in which we can all share knowledge, and excel in our care for clients.  

The DNA 41st Annual Convention will have six main categories for oral abstract submission: 

Research: reporting new technology; medications or treatment methods; evidence-informed practice
Education: patient and health care providers’ education, health promotion strategies; prevention; advocacy; holistic care; mental health/psychological aspects
Community Initiatives: innovative delivery of care models, interprofessional clinics, team building in the community, environment; impact on population; capacity building
International Collaboration and Processes: practice initiatives and partnerships; knowledge exchange; building networks
Culture and Diversity: approaches to health; attitudes/beliefs/values on skincare; awareness and safety
Health Policy and Advocacy: development (local and national levels); health promotion; political action

Abstracts are invited for oral presentations from all contexts of nursing practice. Please identify which of the categories and sub-categories named above are most relevant to your abstract.
The deadline for submission is Wednesday, June 1, 2022.