1. Camp Thompson Parent Survey

100% of survey complete.
Thank you for taking our survey and sharing your thoughts with us! The following survey will be used to enhance our camping program. Thank you again for your feedback.

Question Title

1. Please select the program you will be providing feedback for through the survey. If you attended more than one of the following programs please select the program you had the most experience with this summer.

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2. Did your camper attend multiple weeks/programs at Camp Thompson?

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3. How did you learn about our camping programs?

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4. Overall, how would you rate the camp program your camper was involved in?

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5. Based on your campers experience would you send your child back to camp next year?

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6. How would you rate your experience with the Counselors and Staff this summer?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't Know
Staff to Camper Ratio

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7. Based on the program(s) your camper attended, how would you rate the following program aspects?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Variety of activities
Activities are fun for campers
Activities teach new skills

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8. Please rate the following aspects for your camping experience.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't Know
Safety and Security
/ Sign-Out
Encourages values/behaviors you would want your camper to learn
Value for the price
Quality/Cleanliness of site

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9. Based on your most recent camp experience, what activities did your camper enjoy most?

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10. Based on your most recent camp experience, what would be something your camper would change in our camp program?

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11. Thank you for completing our Parent/Camper Survey! If you would like to be contacted about your experience please check "yes" and include your contact information in the box provided.