Community Survey on Youth Substance Abuse Use

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* 1. Do you live in the River Valley Area? And do you have a student in the
RSU#10 and/or RSU #56 school district?

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* 2. In thinking about youth substance use in your community, what three (3) substances are you MOST concerned about?

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* 3. In your opinion, how easy is it for youth to access the following substances?

  Very hard Sort of hard Sort of easy Very easy Don't know
Prescription drugs
Other illicit drugs

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* 4. Where do you think youth are getting alcohol and other drugs? (Select top 3 answers for each)

  Parents At home Siblings/Relatives Older friends Peers At school Parties Retail outlets Don't know
Prescription drugs
Other illicit drugs

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* 5. Think about the messages that youth receive about ALCOHOL in your community (i.e. signage, promotions, advertisements in the paper or on radio, social media). How often do they receive the following messages?

  All of the time Most of the time Some of the time None of the time
"Adults drink to reduce stress"
"It's not a party without alcohol"
"Underage drinking is never OK"
"Drinking alcohol makes you attractive, smart, and popular"

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* 6. Think about the messages that youth receive about MARIJUANA in your community (i.e. signage, promotions, advertisements in the paper or on radio, social media). How often do they receive the following messages?

  All of the time Most of the time Some of the time None of the time
"Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol"
"Marijuana cures diseases"
"Marijuana should be legalized"
"Marijuana is natural, it can't be bad for you"
"Marijuana is medicine"
"Youth marijuana use can harm brain development"
"Youth marijuana use poses unique health risks to youth so we should be committed to preventing it"

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* 7. Which of the following best describes your attitude toward  youth marijuana use? Youth marijuana use is...

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* 8. Are you aware of the differences between recreational marijuana and medical marijuana?

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* 9. Do you know what kind of impact marijuana has on a developing brain?

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* 10. Which of the following best describes your attitude toward underage drinking? Underage drinking is...?

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* 11. Do you feel it is worthwhile for young people to pursue a secondary education? If so, what type of education?

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* 12. Where do you go to get information on substance abuse prevention? (you can pick more than one)

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* 13. In your opinion, what are the top three (3) reasons youth use?