Restorative Justice Training Series 

What is Restorative Justice?
Restorative Justice in schools uses the tool of dialogue in circles to build community, prevent conflict and respond to disciplinary incidents. Restorative Justice in schools is rooted in a culture shift away from zero-tolerance policies and disproportionately punitive disciplinary models.
Training Summary:
The 2-day Tier 1: Community Building Training offers in-depth training and coaching in using circle to build community & create positive relationships amongst adults and with youth.

Training Components:
  • 14 hours of training time
  • Digital presentation of the foundations of Restorative Justice in Schools practices
  • Demonstration of games to support the development of Community Building Circle culture
  • Experiential activities designed to provide participants with an opportunity to process and reflect about:
    • the values that uphold the Circle Agreements and promote Community Building
    • the many ways that student behavior can show up at school and how it relates to needs
    • the role of a Circle-keeper and how to hold space
  • Step-by-step discussion of the Circle process and its components
  • Circle-keeper practice and role plays to simulate prospective Circle-keeping
  • Planning time to strategize development of Circle culture at participants’ respective sites
  • Participants will receive literature curated by the RJ practitioners at CCEJ to support ongoing learning and implementation of restorative practices at their respective sites.
  • School staff including teachers, administrators, counselors, clerical and security personnel interested in bringing Restorative Justice to their school community.  We also invite folks who work with youth in other capacities who want to learn restorative ways to engage and build stronger relationships in their spaces. 


  • Training cost is $300/per person (includes lunch)
  • Discount: Teams of 3 or more will receive a $25 discount per participant, if they all remit payment at one time
PAYMENT: Pay Online with PayPal - Click Here

  • LBCF Conference Room 
  • 3515 Linden Avenue 
  • Long Beach, CA 90807 

Question Title

* 1.
What is your first name?

Question Title

* 2.
What is your last name?

Question Title

* 3. Address

Question Title

* 4. Will additional people from your school/organization be registering as well? *Note: Teams of 3 or more receive a $25 discount per participant if they all remit payment at one time.

Question Title

* 5. Are you paying for anyone else in additon to yourself? *Note: Teams of 3 or more receive a $25 discount per participant if they all remit payment at one time.

Question Title

* 6. If you are paying for yourself and any additional people, please list the first and last name(s) of only the additonal people below.

Question Title

* 7. Please select payment method:

Question Title

* 8. Invoice Notes
  • Please specify the full name of the person the invoice will be addressed to.
  • Your invoice will be sent to the email address provided during registration, unless you list an alternative below.
  • Your registration will be finalized upon payment of the invoice and must be received prior to training. 
  • If not submitting an invoice, type N/A in the in the answer section. 

Question Title

* 9. What's your role at the organization/school you work at? Principal, Counselor, School Social Worker, RJ Coordinator, etc.

Question Title

* 10. Please tell us about your previous RJ training in Community Building Practices.

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* 11. How do you plan to use this training? 

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* 12. Please share any dietary allergies/restrictions and/or and other accessibility needs. **Please note that we regret that a scent-free space cannot be guaranteed at this time.**

Type N/A (non-applicable) in the answer section if you do not have any restrictions.