We want to hear from you!

CFAA-RHC 2022 is in the preliminary planning stages.
If COVID-19 cases and restrictions continue to improve, CFAA expects to hold CFAA-RHC 2022 in Toronto.
But before we go forward, we would like to hear your input about when you would like CFAA to hold its next in-person conference, and how likely you are to attend at different dates.

Question Title

* 1. Have you attended a CFAA Conference before?


Question Title

* 2. Because of possible travel issues, CFAA has decided to hold its next in-person conference in Toronto. When would you most like CFAA to hold its next in-person conference?

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* 3. If Other, please specify.

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* 4. For the next CFAA-RHC (in Toronto), please rate the dates below, by your likelihood of attending.

  Highly likely Somewhat likely Unlikely Definitely not
May/June 2022
October 2022
May/June 2023

Question Title

* 5. Additional Comments

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* 6. At your preferred date, how sure are you that you would attend?

Question Title

* 7. Additional Comments

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* 8. Contact Information (OPTIONAL)