This is your chance to provide us with feedback on how you've found the course - please be honest!

Question Title


Question Title

* 1. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.
1 = strongly disagree
10 = strongly agree
Please add an explanation for your ranking underneath.

  1 (Lowest rating) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Highest rating)
I found the course interesting overall
The course taught me something new
The tutors taught engaging, interesting sessions
The tutors explained things clearly and answered my queries
The course has helped me to enjoy the subject more
I feel more confident in some areas of the subject than I did before

Question Title

* 2. Which topic area(s) did you enjoy most & why?

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* 3. Which topic area(s) did you enjoy least & why?

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* 4. Are there any additional topic areas/activities that you would have liked to have explored in the course?

Question Title

* 5. Please rate how much you enjoyed & benefited from each teachers' sessions.
10 = Enjoyed & Benefited from very, very much
1 = Did not enjoy or benefit from
Please then provide an explanation for your rating, mentioning the positive points of their sessions and the areas for improvement.

  1 (Lowest rating) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Highest rating)

Question Title

* 6. If you would like to leave a testimonial for future Reachers (it can be one sentence!) or if you have any other comments on the course, please write them here.

If you would be happy for us to use your feedback online or in print, with your name, please also include your name.

Thank you very much!