This survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete, and personally identifiable information will not be collected. Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and you may refuse to take part or exit the survey at any time. Your individual responses will remain anonymous. Results from this survey will only be reported in group form and will not identify you or any other individual.

By participating in this survey, you are acknowledging that you have read the information above and that you understand the voluntary nature of your participation and the confidentiality of the responses you provide.

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how have your students' grades changed during the pandemic?

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* 2. Do you feel that the majority of your students are still on grade level one year into the pandemic?

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* 3. Do you feel that any of your students should repeat a grade when full-time in-person classes resume?

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* 4. What comments would you like to add about grading during the pandemic and beyond?

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* 5. Do the majority of your students receive free/reduced price lunch?