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Preparing for Bus Rapid Transit, Updating the City's Zoning Regulations

With major transit infrastructure investments coming to Burnsville, the City is setting the stage for the continued success of the Heart of the City. This work includes modernizing the city’s zoning rules and regulations. The primary purpose of a zoning code is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents. It is meant to create stability within an area so that each district allows for a predictable range of uses and building types.

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Existing Heart of the City 1 and 2 Zoning Districts

Existing Heart of the City 1 and 2 Zoning Districts

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* 1. What do you think is working well in Heart of the City (select all that apply)?

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* 2. What needs to be improved/addressed in the Heart of the City to make it a better place (select all that apply)?

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* 3. The Heart of the City is a special place. As such, the zoning regulations should require good urban design and high-quality materials. How do you think buildings and site design should be regulated in the TOD District?

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* 4. The City wants to support an interesting and healthy mix of residential, retail, office, public space, and entertainment. What do you think is an appropriate mix of uses within the TOD District (select all that apply)?

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Proposed TOD District Geography

Proposed TOD District Geography

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* 5. As the City explores the potential for redevelopment and investment, the new TOD Zoning District would include properties to the north of Hwy 13 and to the west of I-35W in addition to the properties already included as part of HOC-1 and HOC-2. Do you support the expansion of the transit-oriented and walkable zoning?

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* 6. The City has heard from some people that parking can be an issue. What barriers existing to parking in Heart of the City (check all that apply)?

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* 7. What time of day or day of the week is parking difficult?

  Plenty of available parking Parking is about right Parking can be hard Parking can be very difficult
Weekday mornings
Weekday mid-day
Weekday evenings
Weekend day
Weekend night
During events

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* 8. What other thoughts do you have about the future of the Heart of the City and transit-oriented development?

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